Fundamental Science
Our lab is dedicated to advancing precision medicine for brain disorders using genome-edited human stem cells. We leverage cutting-edge technologies including CRISPR gene editing, human stem cells, single-cell RNA sequencing, and organoid culture, to create physiologically-relevant models of human brain diseases for mechanistic investigation. Along the same line, we also develop high-throughput drug/gene discovery platforms to identify small molecule or nucleic acid therapeutics that regulate the expression of disease risk genes to treat or even cure devastating brain diseases such as neurodevelopmental disorders, epilepsy, and brain tumor.

Research Direction 1:
Reverse neurodevelopmental disorders

Research Direction 2:
Role of FLT3 Signaling in the Brain
Our previous unbiased drug screening discovered the unexpected roles of FLT3 kinase in synapse development and neuroinflammation. We will further elucidate the molecular and cellular basis of FLT3 signaling in the brain.

Research Direction 3:
Organoid Models of Brain Tumor
We strive to create 3D human organoid models of brain tumor in order to recapitulate and manipulate the molecular and cellular events during brain cancer initiation, progression, and elimination.