F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center
The F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center is fully committed to recruiting and supporting talented individuals and ensuring they all have a place in our research community.
Kirby Other Equipment
Lab Equipment List – (alphabetical by lab)
Chen | BioRad MJ PTC-100 Thermal Cycler | 12220.9 | Chen | VWR Symphony Ph Meter | 12220 | Chen | Wescor Vapro Vapor 5520 Osmometer | 11220 | Chen | Leica VT1200S | 12226 | Chen | Leica VT1000S | 12226 |
Do | MilliQ water source |
Engle | Beckman Coulter Vi-Cell XR Cell viability analyzer | 14035 |
Engle | Nikon SMZ18 fluo camera | 14035 |
Engle | Nikon SMZ18 camera | 14035 |
Engle | Nikon SMZ1500 | |
Engle | Thermo Scientific MaxQ 6000 Incubator/Shaker | |
Engle | Beckam TL-100 Ultacentrifuge | 14038 |
Engle | U:Genius Syngene gel doc | 14038 |
Engle | GE ImageQuant LAS 4000 biomolecular imager | |
Engle | Thermo Scientific NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer | |
Engle | Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Real PCR System | 14038 |
Engle | Agilent Technologies 2200 tape station | 14030.2 |
Engle | 7 Eppendorf thermal cyclers | 14030.2 |
Engle | Agilent Technologies SureCycler 8800 | 14030.2 |
Engle | Molecular Devices SpectraMax MZ microplate reader | 14030.1 |
Engle | Zeiss Confocal scope | 14040 |
Engle | Nikon Live Image microscope | 14040 |
Engle | Olympus BX51 microsocpe | |
Engle | Nikon duo head teaching scope | 14040 |
Engle | Eppendorf 5810R refrigerated centrifuge 15,50 plates | 14030.5 |
Engle | Eppendrof Vacufuge Plus | 14030.5 |
Engle | Eppendorf 5430R centrifuge 2ml | 14030.5 |
Engle | Hoefer RCB20 Plus refrigerated and heated water bath | 14030.6 |
Engle | Shel Lab shaking water bath | 14030.7 |
Engle | Qsonica sonicator with microtip and Acoustic enclosure | 14035 |
Engle | Hamilton Microlab StarLet | 14034 |
Engle | Stratagene Stratalinker 2400 UV crosslinker | |
Engle | ThermoScientific NanoDrop 8000 spectrophotometer |
Fagiolini | Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Real PCR System | 13030.1 |
Fagiolini | Molecular Devices VersaMax Tunable Plate Reader | |
Fagiolini | BioRad Gel Doc | |
Fagiolini | NanoDrop ND-100 Spectrophotometer | |
Fagiolini | BioRad T100 Thermal cycler for PCR | |
Fagiolini | BioRad Thermocycler | |
Fagiolini | Leica VT1000S | |
Fagiolini | Beckman Coulter DU 700 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer | |
Fagiolini | Leica CM 3050S | |
Fagiolini | Ultrasoinic sonication device | |
Fagiolini | Eppendorf 5417R Refrigerated Microcentrifuge | 13030.2 |
Fagiolini | BioRad DNA Engine Thermal Cycler | |
Fagiolini | Eppendrof Thermostat Plus | 13030.3 |
Fagiolini | Olympus FluoView FV1000 confoac microscope | 13038 |
Fagiolini | Nikon Eclipse 80i with Cool Snap Camera | 13038 |
Fagiolini | Wescor Vapro 5520 Pressure Osmometer | |
Fagiolini | Leica VT1200S |
X. He | Leica MZ FZ III Stereomicroscope | 12042 |
X. He | Dissecting Scope | 12042 |
X. He | Beckman Coulter Avanti J-E Centrifuge | 12040 |
X. He | Nikon Dissecting Scope | 12043 |
X. He | Nikon Dissecting Scope | 12043 |
X. He | Nikon Dissecting Scope | 12043 |
X. He | Medical System Corp Low Pressure Injector | 12043 |
X. He | Thermo Scientific Hybaid Hybridization Oven | 12040.1 |
X. He | Syngene U:Genius Gel Doc | 12044 |
X. He | GE ImageQuant LAS 4000 Mini biomolecular imager | 12044 |
X. He | Fisher Scientific Gel Dryer FB-GD-45 | 12044 |
X. He | BiorRad T100 Thermal Cycler for PCR | 12040.2 |
X. He | Bioer GenePro Thermal Cycler | 12040.6 |
X. He | Bluffton bench machine for creating metal blocks | |
X. He | Mettler Toledo Ph Meter |
Z. He | Beckman L8-80M Ultracentrifuge | |
Z. He | Beckman Avanti J-E centrifuge with JA-10 rotor | |
Z. He | Packard Tri-carb liqiud scintillation counter | |
Z. He | Refrigerated centrifuge R5430 | |
Z. He | BioRad S1000 Thermal Cycler | 13060.4 |
Z. He | BioRad DNA Engine Thermal Cycler | 13060.5 |
Z. He | Oakton ph700 phmeter | |
Z. He | Eppendorf Thermal cycler | |
Z. He | 2x Branson 1510 Sonicator | 13060.2 |
Z. He | Eppendorf bio spectrophotometer | 13060.2 |
Z. He | Thermo Scientific MaxQ4000 Incubator Shaker | |
Z. He | MilliQ water source | 13060.7 |
Z. He | Fisher Scientific Microtip Sonicator |
Hensch | Beckman Coulter Allegra 25R centrifuge |
Holt | PP-830 Microelectrode Puller | 12160.1 |
Holt | P2000 Laser | 12160.2 |
Holt | Wescor Vapro 5520 Pressure Osmometer | 12160.3 |
Holt | New Brunswick Scientific 12400 Incubator Shaker | 12160.3 |
Holt | BioRad CFX-Connect Real-Time PCR Dectaction System | 12160.5 |
Holt | Eppendorf Mastercycler | 12160.5 |
Holt | Fisher Scientific Accumet AB Ph Meter | 12160.4 |
Pomeroy | 2x BioRad iCycler | 14060.1 |
Pomeroy | Germinator 500 dry sterilizer | 14060.9 |
Pomeroy | Hoefer UVC 500 uv crosslinker | 14060.9 |
Pomeroy | Stereostatic equipment | |
Pomeroy | Cole Palmer Jack Stand | |
Pomeroy | Harvard Apparatus Model 683 Small Animal Ventilator | |
Pomeroy | BioRad Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry transfer cell | |
Pomeroy | Polytron PT1200 handhel homogenizer | 14060.8 |
Pomeroy | AppliedBiosystems 7300 Real-Time PCR System | |
Pomeroy | GE ImageQuant LAS 4000 | |
Pomeroy | Syngene GeneGenius Bio Imaging System | 14067 |
Pomeroy | 4x Hoefer Red Roller II in situ hybridization oven | 14067 |
Pomeroy | ThermoScientific NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrofotometer | |
Pomeroy | ThermoScientific MaxQ 4000 Incubated Orbital Shaker | |
Poudri | Quiagen Qiuacube DNA prep | |
Poudri | 3x Applied Biosystems Veriti 96 well plates Thermal Cyclers | |
Poudri | Noldus Danio Vision | 14030.13 |
Poudri | Eppendorf 5810R refrigerated centrifuge | 14030.14 |
Rosenberg | Savant SpeedVac SC100 centrifuge with Savant Condensator Trap RT100 | 13030.14 |
Rotenberg | Qiagen Rotor-GeneQ real time PCR cycler | 14030.11 |
Rotenberg | Ependorf 5430R refrigerated centrifuge 1/5ml plates | 14030.12 |
Rotenberg | Qiagen TissueRuptor homogenizer | 14030.12 |
Schwarz | Eppendorf Vapo Protect Thermal Cycler | 12120.8 |
Schwarz | Branson 1510 Ultrasonic Cleaner | 12127 |
Schwarz | Impulse Sealer | 12120.5 |
Schwarz | Nikon SMZ1500 Fluorescent Dissecting Scope | 12120.51 |
Schwarz | Corning Ph Meter | 12120.1 |
Schwarz | Beckman Optima TLX Ultracentrifuge 120k RPM | 12120 |
Schwarz | Biacore | 12160.4 |
Steen | Thermo Scientific NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer | 1220 |
Steen | BioRad SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer | 1220 |
Steen | GE Typhoon Trio Variable Mode Imager | 12160 |
Stevens | Eppendorf Vapo Protect Thermal Cycler | 1220 |
Stevens | 3x Eppendorf Thermomixer R Shaking HeatBlock | 1220 |
Stevens | Eppendorf 5417R Refrigerated Centrifuge | 1220 |
Stevens | Mettler Toledo SevenEasy Ph Meter | 1220 |
Stevens | VWR Transiluminator | |
Stevens | Lab Line Environ Orbit Shaker | |
Stevens | Eppendorf 5415R Refrigerated Centrifuge | 12160.12 |
Stevens | Eppendorf Thermomixer Shaking heat block | 12160.12 |
Stevens | Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q Real-Time PCR Cycler | |
Stevens | Biorad C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler | |
Stevens | BioRad DNA Engine Thermal Cycler | |
Stevens | Eppendorf BioPhotometer Plus UV/Vis Photometer | |
Stevens | Qiagen TissueLyser II Tissue Ruptor | |
Stevens | McIIwain Tissue Chopper | |
Stevens | Harvard Apparatus BTX EMC 830 Square Wave Electroporation System | |
Stevens | Fisher Scientific Accumet AB Ph Meter |
Umemori | Nanodrop Lite | |
Umemori | Sutter Instrument P-1000 Micropipette Puller | 13030.52 |
Umemori | BioRad C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler | 13030.4 |
Umemori | BioRad T100 Thermal cyccel for PCR | 13030.4 |
Umemori | Becmam Coulter ph meter | |
Umemori | Eppendorf 5702R refigerated centrifuge 15/50ml tubes | 13047 |
Umemori | ColePalmer 4710 ultrasonic homogenizer | 13047 |
Umemori | VWR refrigerated water bath | 13030.8 |
Walsh | Confocal Scope | 15006 |
Walsh | Labnet ProBlot Hybridization Oven | 15060.7 |
Walsh | Amersham Biosciences UltroSpec 3300 Pro uv spectrophotometer | |
Walsh | Nikon SMZ-1500 scope | 15060.52 |
Walsh | Li-Cor Biosciences Oddysey Infrared Imaging System | 15060.4 |
Walsh | New Brynswick Scientific C25 Incubator/Shaker | 15060.1 |
Walsh | BioRad QX100 Droplet Digital PCR System | 15060.1 |
Walsh | Syngene U:Genius full imaging system | 15052 |
Walsh | ThermoScientific Savant DNA SpeedVac | 15050 |
Walsh | Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Real PCR System | |
Walsh | Thermo Scientific IEC CL40 high capacity refrigerated centrifuge | |
Walsh | 2x BioRad DNA Engine Tetrad 2 Thermal Cyclers | 15030.23 |
Walsh | Molecular Devices SpectraMax Gemini EM Microplate Spectrofluorometer | |
Walsh | NanoDrop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer | |
Walsh | NanoDrop ND-8000 Spectrophotometer | |
Walsh | Agilent Technologies 2100 Bioanalyzer Instrument | |
Walsh | Applied Biosystems Covaris S2 sonicator | |
Walsh | Applied Biosystems Pro Flex PCR system | |
Walsh | 2x Applied Biosystems Veriti 96 well plates Thermal Cyclers |
Woolf | Lonza 4D nucleofector | 12262 |
Woolf | TBJ Downdraft Table | 12263 |
Woolf | TBJ Downdraft Table with microscope | 12263 |
Woolf | Luminex 100 Plate Reader | 12260.6 |
Woolf | Eppendorf Mastercycler Pro Thermo Cycler S | 12260.7 |
Woolf | Eppendorf Mastercycler Pro Thermo Cycler S | 12260.7 |
Woolf | Eppendrorf Mastercycler Pro Gradient | 12260.7 |
Woolf | Leica VT1200 Vibratome | 12264 |
Woolf | Alpha MED Scientific MED 64 Multielectrode Array System | 12260.11 |
Woolf | CM1950 cryostat | 12260 |
Woolf | Bio-Rad Gel Doc | 12260.2 |
Woolf | Bio-Rad Gel Doc XR+ | 12260.3 |
Woolf | Eppendorf 5415R Refrigerated Centrifuge | 12260.4 |
Woolf | Eppendorf ThermoMixer | 12260.4 |
Woolf | Thermo Scientific Sorvall ST 16 | 12260.5 |
Woolf | Perkin Elmer EnSight Multimode Plate Reader | 12263 |
Woolf | Peqlab PRECELLYS 24 sample multidirectional bead homogeniser | 12260 |