F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center

The F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center is fully committed to recruiting and supporting talented individuals and ensuring they all have a place in our research community.

Kirby Other Equipment

Lab Equipment List – (alphabetical by lab)

Chen BioRad MJ PTC-100 Thermal Cycler 12220.9
Chen VWR Symphony Ph Meter 12220
Chen Wescor Vapro Vapor 5520 Osmometer 11220
Chen Leica VT1200S 12226
Chen Leica VT1000S 12226
Do MilliQ water source
Engle Beckman Coulter Vi-Cell XR Cell viability analyzer 14035
Engle Nikon SMZ18 fluo camera 14035
Engle Nikon SMZ18 camera 14035
Engle Nikon SMZ1500
Engle Thermo Scientific MaxQ 6000 Incubator/Shaker
Engle Beckam TL-100 Ultacentrifuge 14038
Engle U:Genius Syngene gel doc 14038
Engle GE ImageQuant LAS 4000 biomolecular imager
Engle Thermo Scientific NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer
Engle Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Real PCR System 14038
Engle Agilent Technologies 2200 tape station 14030.2
Engle 7 Eppendorf thermal cyclers 14030.2
Engle Agilent Technologies SureCycler 8800 14030.2
Engle Molecular Devices SpectraMax MZ microplate reader 14030.1
Engle Zeiss Confocal scope 14040
Engle Nikon Live Image microscope 14040
Engle Olympus BX51 microsocpe
Engle Nikon duo head teaching scope 14040
Engle Eppendorf 5810R refrigerated centrifuge 15,50 plates 14030.5
Engle Eppendrof Vacufuge Plus 14030.5
Engle Eppendorf 5430R centrifuge 2ml 14030.5
Engle Hoefer RCB20 Plus refrigerated and heated water bath 14030.6
Engle Shel Lab shaking water bath 14030.7
Engle Qsonica sonicator with microtip and Acoustic enclosure 14035
Engle Hamilton Microlab StarLet 14034
Engle Stratagene Stratalinker 2400 UV crosslinker
Engle ThermoScientific NanoDrop 8000 spectrophotometer
Fagiolini Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Real PCR System 13030.1
Fagiolini Molecular Devices VersaMax Tunable Plate Reader
Fagiolini BioRad Gel Doc
Fagiolini NanoDrop ND-100 Spectrophotometer
Fagiolini BioRad T100 Thermal cycler for PCR
Fagiolini BioRad Thermocycler
Fagiolini Leica VT1000S
Fagiolini Beckman Coulter DU 700 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Fagiolini Leica CM 3050S
Fagiolini Ultrasoinic sonication device
Fagiolini Eppendorf 5417R Refrigerated Microcentrifuge 13030.2
Fagiolini BioRad DNA Engine Thermal Cycler
Fagiolini Eppendrof Thermostat Plus 13030.3
Fagiolini Olympus FluoView FV1000 confoac microscope 13038
Fagiolini Nikon Eclipse 80i with Cool Snap Camera 13038
Fagiolini Wescor Vapro 5520 Pressure Osmometer
Fagiolini Leica VT1200S
X. He Leica MZ FZ III Stereomicroscope 12042
X. He Dissecting Scope 12042
X. He Beckman Coulter Avanti J-E Centrifuge 12040
X. He Nikon Dissecting Scope 12043
X. He Nikon Dissecting Scope 12043
X. He Nikon Dissecting Scope 12043
X. He Medical System Corp Low Pressure Injector 12043
X. He Thermo Scientific Hybaid Hybridization Oven 12040.1
X. He Syngene U:Genius Gel Doc 12044
X. He GE ImageQuant LAS 4000 Mini biomolecular imager 12044
X. He Fisher Scientific Gel Dryer FB-GD-45 12044
X. He BiorRad T100 Thermal Cycler for PCR 12040.2
X. He Bioer GenePro Thermal Cycler 12040.6
X. He Bluffton bench machine for creating metal blocks
X. He Mettler Toledo Ph Meter
Z. He Beckman L8-80M Ultracentrifuge
Z. He Beckman Avanti J-E centrifuge with JA-10 rotor
Z. He Packard Tri-carb liqiud scintillation counter
Z. He Refrigerated centrifuge R5430
Z. He BioRad S1000 Thermal Cycler 13060.4
Z. He BioRad DNA Engine Thermal Cycler 13060.5
Z. He Oakton ph700 phmeter
Z. He Eppendorf Thermal cycler
Z. He 2x Branson 1510 Sonicator 13060.2
Z. He Eppendorf bio spectrophotometer 13060.2
Z. He Thermo Scientific MaxQ4000 Incubator Shaker
Z. He MilliQ water source 13060.7
Z. He Fisher Scientific Microtip Sonicator
Hensch Beckman Coulter Allegra 25R centrifuge
Holt PP-830 Microelectrode Puller 12160.1
Holt P2000 Laser 12160.2
Holt Wescor Vapro 5520 Pressure Osmometer 12160.3
Holt New Brunswick Scientific 12400 Incubator Shaker 12160.3
Holt BioRad CFX-Connect Real-Time PCR Dectaction System 12160.5
Holt Eppendorf Mastercycler 12160.5
Holt Fisher Scientific Accumet AB Ph Meter 12160.4
Pomeroy 2x BioRad iCycler 14060.1
Pomeroy Germinator 500 dry sterilizer 14060.9
Pomeroy Hoefer UVC 500 uv crosslinker 14060.9
Pomeroy Stereostatic equipment
Pomeroy Cole Palmer Jack Stand
Pomeroy Harvard Apparatus Model 683 Small Animal Ventilator
Pomeroy BioRad Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry transfer cell
Pomeroy Polytron PT1200 handhel homogenizer 14060.8
Pomeroy AppliedBiosystems 7300 Real-Time PCR System
Pomeroy GE ImageQuant LAS 4000
Pomeroy Syngene GeneGenius Bio Imaging System 14067
Pomeroy 4x Hoefer Red Roller II in situ hybridization oven 14067
Pomeroy ThermoScientific NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrofotometer
Pomeroy ThermoScientific MaxQ 4000 Incubated Orbital Shaker
Poudri Quiagen Qiuacube DNA prep
Poudri 3x Applied Biosystems Veriti 96 well plates Thermal Cyclers
Poudri Noldus Danio Vision 14030.13
Poudri Eppendorf 5810R refrigerated centrifuge 14030.14
Rosenberg Savant SpeedVac SC100 centrifuge with Savant Condensator Trap RT100 13030.14
Rotenberg Qiagen Rotor-GeneQ real time PCR cycler 14030.11
Rotenberg Ependorf 5430R refrigerated centrifuge 1/5ml plates 14030.12
Rotenberg Qiagen TissueRuptor homogenizer 14030.12
Schwarz Eppendorf Vapo Protect Thermal Cycler 12120.8
Schwarz Branson 1510 Ultrasonic Cleaner 12127
Schwarz Impulse Sealer 12120.5
Schwarz Nikon SMZ1500 Fluorescent Dissecting Scope 12120.51
Schwarz Corning Ph Meter 12120.1
Schwarz Beckman Optima TLX Ultracentrifuge 120k RPM 12120
Schwarz Biacore 12160.4
Steen Thermo Scientific NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer 1220
Steen BioRad SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer 1220
Steen GE Typhoon Trio Variable Mode Imager 12160
Stevens Eppendorf Vapo Protect Thermal Cycler 1220
Stevens 3x Eppendorf Thermomixer R Shaking HeatBlock 1220
Stevens Eppendorf 5417R Refrigerated Centrifuge 1220
Stevens Mettler Toledo SevenEasy Ph Meter 1220
Stevens VWR Transiluminator
Stevens Lab Line Environ Orbit Shaker
Stevens Eppendorf 5415R Refrigerated Centrifuge 12160.12
Stevens Eppendorf Thermomixer Shaking heat block 12160.12
Stevens Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q Real-Time PCR Cycler
Stevens Biorad C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler
Stevens BioRad DNA Engine Thermal Cycler
Stevens Eppendorf BioPhotometer Plus UV/Vis Photometer
Stevens Qiagen TissueLyser II Tissue Ruptor
Stevens McIIwain Tissue Chopper
Stevens Harvard Apparatus BTX EMC 830 Square Wave Electroporation System
Stevens Fisher Scientific Accumet AB Ph Meter
Umemori Nanodrop Lite
Umemori Sutter Instrument P-1000 Micropipette Puller 13030.52
Umemori BioRad C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler 13030.4
Umemori BioRad T100 Thermal cyccel for PCR 13030.4
Umemori Becmam Coulter ph meter
Umemori Eppendorf 5702R refigerated centrifuge 15/50ml tubes 13047
Umemori ColePalmer 4710 ultrasonic homogenizer 13047
Umemori VWR refrigerated water bath 13030.8
Walsh Confocal Scope 15006
Walsh Labnet ProBlot Hybridization Oven 15060.7
Walsh Amersham Biosciences UltroSpec 3300 Pro uv spectrophotometer
Walsh Nikon SMZ-1500 scope 15060.52
Walsh Li-Cor Biosciences Oddysey Infrared Imaging System 15060.4
Walsh New Brynswick Scientific C25 Incubator/Shaker 15060.1
Walsh BioRad QX100 Droplet Digital PCR System 15060.1
Walsh Syngene U:Genius full imaging system 15052
Walsh ThermoScientific Savant DNA SpeedVac 15050
Walsh Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Real PCR System
Walsh Thermo Scientific IEC CL40 high capacity refrigerated centrifuge
Walsh 2x BioRad DNA Engine Tetrad 2 Thermal Cyclers 15030.23
Walsh Molecular Devices SpectraMax Gemini EM Microplate Spectrofluorometer
Walsh NanoDrop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer
Walsh NanoDrop ND-8000 Spectrophotometer
Walsh Agilent Technologies 2100 Bioanalyzer Instrument
Walsh Applied Biosystems Covaris S2 sonicator
Walsh Applied Biosystems Pro Flex PCR system
Walsh 2x Applied Biosystems Veriti 96 well plates Thermal Cyclers
Woolf Lonza 4D nucleofector 12262
Woolf TBJ Downdraft Table 12263
Woolf TBJ Downdraft Table with microscope 12263
Woolf Luminex 100 Plate Reader 12260.6
Woolf Eppendorf Mastercycler Pro Thermo Cycler S 12260.7
Woolf Eppendorf Mastercycler Pro Thermo Cycler S 12260.7
Woolf Eppendrorf Mastercycler Pro Gradient 12260.7
Woolf Leica VT1200 Vibratome 12264
Woolf Alpha MED Scientific MED 64 Multielectrode Array System 12260.11
Woolf CM1950 cryostat 12260
Woolf Bio-Rad Gel Doc 12260.2
Woolf Bio-Rad Gel Doc XR+ 12260.3
Woolf Eppendorf 5415R Refrigerated Centrifuge 12260.4
Woolf Eppendorf ThermoMixer 12260.4
Woolf Thermo Scientific Sorvall ST 16 12260.5
Woolf Perkin Elmer EnSight Multimode Plate Reader 12263
Woolf Peqlab PRECELLYS 24 sample multidirectional bead homogeniser 12260