Neural and behavioural state switching during hippocampal dentate spikes. Nature. Farrell Lab.
Presence of Copy Number Variants Associated With Esotropia in Patients With Exotropia. JAMA Ophthalmol. Engle & Whitman Labs.
Comprehensive phenotypes of patients with SYNGAP1-related disorder reveals high rates of epilepsy and autism. Epilepsia. Poduri Lab.
CSMD1 regulates brain complement activity and circuit development. Brain Behav Immun. Stevens Labs.
TMC function, dysfunction, and restoration in mouse vestibular organs. Frontiers in Neurology. Holt/Geleoc Lab.
Embryonic microglia maintain the brain’s cortical fault lines. Trends Immunology. Stevens Lab.
Generation and characterization of six human induced pluripotent stem cell lines (hiPSCs) from three individuals with SSADH Deficiency and CRISPR-corrected isogenic controls. Stem Cell Res. Sahin Lab.